How To Specifically Target Affluent Facebook Consumers

Did you know that there are 15.6 million Facebook users in the U.S. with a W2 job that pays them more than $100,000 per year?

When most marketers think about targeting affluent consumers, they automatically assume that LinkedIn is the way to go.  But research shows that many of these affluent consumers are actually using Facebook.

  • More than half of investors over the age of 50 access Facebook regularly. (Millionaire Corner
  • 45% of Mass Affluence ($100,000-$1million not including primary residence) investors consider Facebook a source for investment and financial needs, while 42% would go first to LinkedIn. (Millionaire Corner

Affluent Facebook consumers are defined by Facebook as those with a W-2 earnings worth $100k or more per year, and thanks to advanced targeting tools through Power Editor, you are able to target these individuals.

4 Interesting Facts About Affluent Facebook Consumers

Rashida Boyd, marketing manager at Unified, detailed some incredible statistics about these affluent Facebook consumers that will help you when targeting your audience for Facebook Pay Per Click Marketing:

  1. The average age if 41.7 years old, yet 61% are most likely to be in the “Affluent Baby Boomers” category in Power Editor’s Partner Category (under ‘datalogix’).  The perception may be that these folks are older, but, in fact, you may want to target a minimum age of 40 years old.
  2. 56.1% of these affluent Facebook consumers are women.  The perception may be that this category is dominated by males, but, in fact, women make up a higher percentage of this group.  Think about how this fact will determine the content that you use to attract Fans to your Page.
  3. 50.6% of this group work in the education field and 35.2% work in the health care industry.  When targeting, remember to utilize professional targeting (CPs and C Level) as well as these two fields to maximize your reach to this target.
  4. These folks are the top purchasers in grocery stores:
    • 143% more likely to be the top spenders in the grocery store
    • 90% more likely to buy beer
    • 119% more likely to buy spirits
    • 168% more likely to buy wine

No one goes onto Facebook to buy products or use your services, but your customers are on Facebook, so understanding where they look and what their habits are will allow you to get the right message to the right group of people, getting you more customers at less cost!

Using Videos To Market To Affluent Facebook Consumers

Is video a good way to communicate with affluent Facebook consumers?

According to an article from Media Post:

Case in point — a majority of Boomers (60%) say watching online video has become an important part of their day…

In fact, 75% of Boomers and 68% of seniors report taking some sort of action after viewing a video. A full 57% were inspired to visit a retailer, for instance, while 37% reported calling a business or organization as a result of seeing a particular online video.

If a picture is worth 1,000 words, then a video is worth 1 million!

The good news… affluent Facebook consumers not only like watching videos, but are very likely to take action after watching.

How To Target Affluent Facebook Consumers Through Power Editor

affluent facebook consumerFacebook’s Power Editor is a great tool for marketers running pay per click marketing on the social media giant.  While many utilize ‘ads manager’, power editor is better because, in addition to doing everything that ads manager can do, it also…

  • Provides the ability to run ‘dark posts’.  This means that you can create multiple posts that won’t show up on your Fan Page, but will show up in the news feed of your target audience.
  • Better split testing capabilities
  • Increased targeting opportunities through Partner Categories.

When using Partner Categories, you can specifically find Facebook’s “Affluent Baby Boomers” category under datalogix, as the image on the right shows.


Contrary to popular belief, many of affluent consumers can be targeted on Facebook.  Multiple studies show that people from this group us Facebook on a regular basis and are used to buying items online.  Therefore, utilizing Facebook’s advertising tools to market to this audience can be very profitable for marketers.

If you have any questions or comments on ‘How To Specifically Target Affluent Facebook Consumers’, please leave them below.  Want more information on Facebook PPC?  Please visit






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Nick Bridges

Nick is an Award Winning web designer, is also the Creative Director for the Agency, assisting in areas like funnel creation, copywriting, Landing Page development, and more. Nick also oversees all of the technical components of the creation and implementation of Social Media Ad Genius.

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About The Author

Nick Bridges

Nick is an Award Winning web designer, is also the Creative Director for the Agency, assisting in areas like funnel creation, copywriting, Landing Page development, and more. Nick also oversees all of the technical components of the creation and implementation of Social Media Ad Genius.

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