5 Keys To Writing Killer Headlines For Your Facebook Ads

5 Tips On How To Write Headlines For Facebook Ads That Get Attention!

When I first got started in sales and marketing (many moons ago), the ‘hot topic’ of sales was making sure that you had an elevator speech.  For those of you reading this who don’t know what a typewriter, floppy disk, dot matrix, or Atari is, you may have never heard the term ‘elevator speech’ before.

An elevator speech is the quick, 30 second synopsis of your sales pitch.  The crux of it was that if you were to meet an executive on an elevator, you would need to be able to get the executive’s attention, generate interest, summarize what it is you had to offer, and close an appointment by the time the elevator reached the top floor.

Oh, those were the days…back when you actually had 30 seconds to get your point across!  Nowadays, if you’re going to capture someone’s attention, you better do it within 3-5 seconds.  

This means that the headlines for Facebook ads have to gain attention in fewer than 10 words, otherwise, you’re going to lose your potential customer’s interest.

Therefore, today’s blog is going to focus on some of the top tips to allow you to create killer ad copy that will get the ADHD generation’s attention.

  • Tip 1: Ask Questions:  Starting your header with “Can I…”, “Would You….” or “What If…” can immediately captivate an audience and create an open loop in their head.  This open loop demands an answer to close it.  Curiosity will cause people to click the link to close this loop.
  • Tip 2:  W.I.I.F.M. Factor:  One of the biggest mistakes advertisers make is trying to sell their product is to talk about themselves or their product.  Everyone’s favorite topic is themselves, so make sure you’re answering the What’s In It For Me question right away… or you’ll lose them.
  • Tip 3:  Stand Out With Numbers and Upper Cases:  One of the simplest ways to contrast, or stand out, is to capitalize the first letter of every work in the sentence.  Anther way to stand out is to give a specific number of tips. People just seem to love lists.  A good example of using capitalization and a numbered list for a title is an article called “5 Keys To Writing Killer Headlines For Your Facebook Ads
  • Tip 4:  ‘How To’ Articles:  Businesses succeed by solving problems, and no two words provide solutions better than ‘how to’.  Plus, remember that more search engines are revolving around voice command, and when it comes to voice command, ‘how to’ is the most frequently used type of question!
  • Tip 5:  Use Words That Elicit Emotion:  People respond well to the emotions of fear, greed and love.

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Infographic : 5 Top Tips For Writing Headlines For Facebook Ads That Work!

Tips For Writing Facebook Headlines

BONUS TIP:  I was reading an article from Neville Medhora on how to create headlines.  What he likes to do to incorporate several of the above is use the R.O.T. formula, meaning:

  • R- Results
  • O – Objections
  • T- Timeframe

Essentially, he writes headlines that will demonstrate results in a quick timeframe while addressing the potential objections that your customer may have.  Here’s an example of a R-O-T headline for a product that teaches people how to speak Spanish:

Learn to speak Spanish in 20 days even if you have poor English skills!

  • Result:  Learn To Speak Spanish
  • Objection: Even If you Have Poor English Skills
  • Time Frame: In 20 Days

As the above example shows, you can move the order of R-O-T around.


Hopefully these 5 tips, (asking questions, keeping the customer in mind, standing out by capitalization & numbers, using ‘How To’ articles to answer questions, and trying to elicit emotions) will allow you to create more awesomer (this was a word in the ’80s) headlines than ever before!

And if you ever want to learn more about how to write headlines for Facebook ads, please visit http://SocialMediaAdGenius.com.

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Nick Bridges

Nick is an Award Winning web designer, is also the Creative Director for the Agency, assisting in areas like funnel creation, copywriting, Landing Page development, and more. Nick also oversees all of the technical components of the creation and implementation of Social Media Ad Genius.

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About The Author

Nick Bridges

Nick is an Award Winning web designer, is also the Creative Director for the Agency, assisting in areas like funnel creation, copywriting, Landing Page development, and more. Nick also oversees all of the technical components of the creation and implementation of Social Media Ad Genius.

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